Debbie Malone
We are all spiritual beings who have the ability to reconnect with
our true higher self
Every challenge teaches us about our own resilience and strength. Everything happens for a reason
You are a wise soul who has
travelled many journeys
gathering your life knowledge
What happens when we die?
It's the question we ask as soon as we can form the words to ask it. A question that gnaws at us throughout our lives and knots us with fear as we draw closer to our end. A question that has obsessed theologians and scientists and gurus and spiritual leaders and charlatans for millennia. Countless human lives have been consumed, and fortunes have been built and squandered looking for the answer. What happens when we die?
Debbie Malone knows. Not because she went searching for the answer, but because it was just there, right in front of her, ever since she was a child. As undeniable and real to her as anything in this world. Debbie sees dead people.
My Story
My life has been unusual and often challenging, but I wouldn't change a thing. I feel very privileged to have been blessed with the gift of mediumship, which has allowed me to assist so many people, both living and in the spirit realm.
My story begins in September 1963 when I was born into a beautiful family living in suburban Sydney, Australia. Life was simple and happy but also marred by chronic childhood illness and my increasing ability to see and hear things nobody else could. To my family and friends, I had an overactive imagination, but to me, it was very real and frightening. Without support, I quickly learned not to talk about these experiences for fear of ridicule. However, the more I tried to quash these newfound abilities, the stronger they were to become.
As the years progressed, I was to suffer seven near-death experiences, and with each subsequent one, my connection to the spirit world was honed and sharpened to the point (culminating in a miscarriage at twenty-eight) where my abilities were permanently brought to the fore. From that time onwards, I have provided a bridge for thousands of people to communicate with loved ones who have passed on.
There is no single way to commune with those in spirit. They can be seen (clairvoyant), felt (clairsentient) or heard (clairaudient). As a medium, I can also talk back to those in the spirit world. I have even, on rare and unwelcome occasions, made physical contact.
In addition to connecting people with those they have lost, I run workshops to teach students how to connect with their higher selves and attune to their spirit guides and guardian angels. I also have a long (and often traumatic) history of working with the police to shed new light on unsolved murder investigations and missing person cases. The information I receive has successfully provided new lines of inquiry, criminal profiles, and identikits of perpetrators. On numerous occasions, I have undergone hypnosis to allow missing persons and murder victims to communicate directly with investigators to provide information about what happened. You will find some of these high-profile cases featured on this site in dedication to the memory of the missing and their families.
I'm also a best-selling international author of four books and creator of a series of oracle reading cards. I am regularly interviewed on television, radio and in print media and have been featured in numerous global podcasts, all invaluable channels by which to continue to share the incredible gift I find myself blessed with.
I'd like to thank all of you, my beautiful clients, for your unwavering support and for affording me the privilege of comforting you in times of grief and guiding you on your own spiritual journeys.
I dedicate my gift to you all.
Debbie xx

Debbie is regularly interviewed on television, radio and in print media.
Notable television appearances include:
- Scream Test
- Today Tonight
- Sunrise
- Studio Ten
- Sensing Murder - Australian & New Zealand Series
- The Today Show
- Who's Been Sleeping in My House
- The Morning Show
- Today Extra
- The Project
- The One - Series II - Finalist
- Goosebumps - Japanese Programme
- The Feed (Lyn Dawson Story - SBS)
- Hughesy We Have a Problem